South Dublin Taekwondo

Talafest Club Notification

South Dublin Taekwondo

Upcoming Event:


Sat July 6th

Talafest Outdoor Taekwondo Training Marathon

Molloy’s Car Park, 12-4pm [Leisureplex]

All members will be offered the chance to participate in the Talafest display. The club will be training for 3.5 – 4 hours outdoors [weather permitting]. At end of event there will also be a Team ‘Tug of War’ where we have 8 seniors lined up to entertain the crowd!  All students will receive a txt asking if they wish to participate & what part of display they have an interest. Please return this form with items ticked you are interested in.

Event Type Tick Below If Interested
Interested In Poomsae Display
Interested In Sparring Display [Intermediate – Advanced Only]
Interested In Pad Kicking Display
Interested in Spectacular Kicking Display
Interested in Tots / Newly promoted tots / New Novice Students pad kicking [to be confirmed pending interest]
Interested in helping out – fundraising buckets, by-standing, etc
Interested in Whatever – Sign me up for all   !!!!!

A more detailed plan of events will be notified to all by email & on club website next week once those interested & coach / volunteer availability confirmed. In summary, the 4 hours will be broken down into different training slots, with students attending the ones they wish to / are selected to. Training sessions may be repeated so different crowds see different disciplines.

We would urge all members who can to try get involved in some way if possible. Any funds collected in buckets will be distributed about the club in a manner decided by players / active parents within club. New beginner members / novices

In the event of light rain, the event will proceed, but should seriously inclement weather arrive SDTKD will decline attending event for safety reasons.

Note parents of all children will be expected to be fully responsible for their children at the event. There will be downtime between displays & SDTKD coaches will not be in a position to ensure children do not walk off to other parts of Talafest. As with any such event, indoor or outdoor, there is always a risk of injury & those participating acknowledge this.

Name of Student / Parent: _______________________________________________________

Signature of Student / Parent if -18yrs: _____________________________________________